The Safeguarding Team can be contacted at Church House, Hove on 01273 421 021, and via the generic safeguarding email address safeguarding@chichester.anglican.org.
Otherwise individual contact details for the team are provided below in team profiles.
Please note that all messages left for the team, by email, mobile or landline, are checked during normal office hours only. Messages are not routinely checked during evenings or weekends. Requests for urgent assistance should be directed to the statutory authorities in Sussex (see Advice and Getting Help ).

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer With operational primary responsibility for casework, training and policy for all aspects of child and adult safeguarding. Colin is a former Probation Officer, with experience of working in public protection teams in Birmingham, Sussex, and Surrey, prior to joining the Diocese in 2011.
01273 425 030 / 07500 771210 |

Deputy Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Casework I joined the Safeguarding Team in 2019 from Sussex Police, where I worked in teams that specialised in investigations into allegations of abuse. I take the lead for the team in all aspects of safeguarding casework, including support ongoing investigations, coordinating the management of offenders who attend church, and liaising with our statutory authority partners.
Tel: 01273 421 021 / 07384 257882 |

Independent Sexual Violence Adviser The Safeguarding Team work alongside an Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) called Vicki Peck. Vicki is not employed by the Diocese but works for a charity called Survivors Network. She is co-located between the Survivors Network offices in Brighton and the Diocesan Safeguarding Team at Church House in Hove. Vicki offers support to anyone who has experienced sexual violence and/or abuse within the Church. She provides emotional and practical advocacy support, and can support survivors to understand their options in terms of possible reporting to the Police, or making a complaint via the Church CDM procedures. She can also provide consultancy support to Clergy or others in the Church supporting people who have experienced sexual or domestic violence who may not want or need to work with her directly. Please note that as Vicki’s role is independent from the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, she will not share client information with the Safeguarding Team, unless the client consents to this. Therefore if you have any safeguarding concerns relating to a case which has been referred to Vicki, please contact the Safeguarding Team separately to discuss this. Tel: 01273 421 041 / 07825 235872 |

Safeguarding Administrator My role includes the update of clergy DBS checks, answer telephone calls for safeguarding department, reply to parish safeguarding questions, coordinate parish safeguarding administration, organise safeguarding training events, record minutes for safeguarding meetings. Tel: 01273 425 790 |