Diocese of Chichester Safeguarding

The brief guidance below explains the requirement to use application forms, for both paid workers and volunteers. Full guidance from the Church of England can be accessed by clicking on this link. 

The template application form can be downloaded by clicking on this link


Whether an individual is a paid employee or volunteer, access to an application pack and the completion of an application form is important in relation to safeguarding for the following reasons:

It reinforces the value that the Church body places on work with children, young people and vulnerable adults and the seriousness with which it takes the appointment of those who work with such groups.

It gives a clear signal to anyone intent on abusing the trust placed in them that the Church body is vigilant about the safety and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults.


Every candidate (even if there is only one, for instance someone the incumbent has approached to ask to fulfil a role) should be expected to complete an application form. It is important that all candidates are treated fairly and in a transparent and equitable way, however well they are known. Application forms may differ between those for employees and those for volunteers, but standardised application forms help ensure information can be gathered in a consistent format. A suitable recruitment privacy notice must be in place.

In some churches, application packs may be in paper format, but in others this will mean providing a link to the church or parish website where all relevant information can be found, including the relevant statements and policies as outlined in the Requirements.

The application form should include important information about a candidate’s history, including his/her experience of working or volunteering with children, young people or vulnerable adults and his/her motivation for working with these groups. Only information that is actually needed to assess the applicant’s suitability at this stage should be requested.

Whilst some applicants might find it hard to remember full histories, whether life, employment or volunteering, any gaps must still be identified and explored as far as possible.

It is good practice to include a declaration on the application form that all information provided on the application form is “true & complete”.