Diocese of Chichester Safeguarding

I'm a New Parish Safeguarding Officer

** Please note there is a Zoom drop-in session for New Parish Safeguarding Officers on 26th June from 7-8pm. Details will be sent out in due course

  • Have a read of your roles and responsibilities as a Parish Safeguarding Officer
  • Meet with your predecessor and/or church leader to make sure you have access to all the relevant records and information you need
  • Make sure you have access to the Parish Safeguarding email address and ensure that you are not the only person who has access to it. There should be at least one other person who can access it. Don’t use your personal email address for parish safeguarding purposes
  • Once your PCC has formally approved your appointment, make sure that your details are visible in the church and on your church website. This can be done via the Parish Safeguarding Policy notice
  • Download and fill out a Data Consent Form and email to emma.lambert@chichester.anglican.org so we can have your details on the Diocesan database.
  • Make sure your training is up to date. See here for for the training requirements for this role. Visit the Leadership Training page for upcoming dates to book on a course
  • If you will become the DBS Administrator for your parish (Lead Recruiter), click here for more information and contact the diocese to make those arrangements.
  • Make sure you have the correct DBS for this role (contact the diocese who can help you with this)
  • Keep an eye out for our quarterly newsletters and regular zoom drop in sessions for parish safeguarding officers. We have a drop in specifically for new PSOs on 26th June 2025 - you will be sent details on this closer to the time.
  • Take time to have a read some of the Diocesan Safeguarding Policies and Guidance. In particular the e-manual and Church of England Safeguarding policy "Promoting a Safer Church"
  • Keep in touch with your Diocesan Safeguarding team if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help and support you! Also take advantage of our regular zoom drop in sessions for PSOs - details are here

Thank you for your willingness to serve your parish in this important role!