The Church Of England Safeguarding Policy
Please visit the Safeguarding e-manual for recently revised guidance
For Safeguarding Officers
- The Parish Safeguarding Officer
- Model Parish Safeguarding Checklist
- Model Parish Safeguarding Officer Role
Information for PTOs to help determine which level of training is needed
We recommend these documents are available in your church and on your website
- Parish Safeguarding Policy Notice Template
- Promoting A Safer Church - The Church of England's Safeguarding Policy
- Policy and Guidance for Managing Allegations
- E Safety Policy
- Raising Concerns & Whistleblowing Policy and Guidance
Safer Practice
- Safer Environment & Activities
- Code of Safer Working Practice
- Guidelines for Children and Youth Ministry in Personal Homes
- Guidance for Lone Working
- Bishops Direction under Canon F16(2) Plays & Concerts
- Practice Guidance for Bishops Direction under Canon F16(2)
Safer Recruitment
- Safer Recruitment and People Management Guidance
- Parish Induction Process
- Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy
- Guidance on Writing Job & Role Descriptions
Further Policy and Practice Guidance